Author Topic: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING - Beta Program Bug Report Considerations  (Read 24320 times)

Offline JohnStampede

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Update for Round 3

In consideration of the new round of testing, please begin your Bug Report topics with "Round 3 Testing".

i.e. Round 3 Testing: Notifications not Working on Windows XP

The SecureAPlus Team will be actively monitoring the Bug Report section throughout the Beta Program period. To make this process as constructive and as orderly as possible, please take note of the following points:

Beta Program Rounds of Testing

The Beta Program will involve multiple rounds of testing. Each round will have a particular objective and scope. While we welcome Bug Reports covering any aspect of the Beta Client, we will be prioritising work in resolving those that are under the scope of the current round.

Visit the Beta Program News & Updates section to find out the current round of testing objective and scope.

Submitting a Unique Bug Report

Open a new thread within the Bug Reports & Fixes section of the forum if you have found a bug with the current round of testing/version of the SecureAPlus Beta client.

We advise following the below naming convention:

Round [insert current beta round of testing] Testing: [one-line description of bug]

i.e. Round 3 Testing: SecureAPlusUI.exe Not Responding when Opening App Settings

On the thread post body, describe the bug in as much detail as possible. It is typically helpful for our technical team to receive any/all of the following:

1. Steps to reproduce the problem.

2. Info on concurrently running apps that may have caused a conflict (i.e. other security software)

3. Supporting screenshots whenever necessary to illustrate your issue.

Submission of Supporting Files

The SecureAPlus Team will do its best to entertain your bug reports by engaging you within the forums as follow up. The team may also request additional information and supporting files. You can attach these supporting files as a reply within the same thread.

Alternatively, you can send the file via email to using your SecureAPlus Account email. If it is with relation to your thread in the forum, remember to include the link to your thread in the email sent to us.

Adding to an Existing Thread

Before opening a new thread, Beta Testers should look through the Beta Reports & Fixes section for any open bug report threads. Should the bug you intend to report has already been reported by another Beta Tester, it is highly recommended to instead add to the existing thread rather than opening a new one.

Merging of Duplicate Threads

The SecureAPlus team will be merging duplicate or inherently similar bug report threads at its discretion. This is to facilitate and consolidate better constructive feedback between Beta Testers.

Closing of Bug Report Threads

The SecureAPlus Team may close a bug report thread if

1. The bug has already been resolved during internal testing after the bug was reported.
2. Enough information has been collected to resolve the bug and a fix is already in progress.
3. The reported issue is intentional in nature or by design and a fix is already scheduled to be implemented on another round of testing or future release of the beta client.
4. The flow of the thread is no longer sound or constructive and/or violates the forum rules of conduct.
5. The Beta Program is already over.

The SecureAPlus Team reserves the right to reopen a thread when necessary (i.e. bug resurfacing).

Granting of Points for the Beta Program

The SecureAPlus Team will be granting points to Beta Testers whose bug reports are submitted via the SecureAPlus Account Portal. Beta Testers need to submit the link to their Bug Report Thread using the submission tool provided. Additional comments to existing Bug Report threads are also accepted.

Amount of points granted may vary and is subject to value of bug report and level of cooperation of the reporting Beta Tester.

SecureAge Technology and the SecureAPlus team reserves the right to grant points based on value of submission on a case to case basis. Please allow the team at least 48 hours to respond or grant the point after submission.

We hope that Beta Testers keep in mind the above points for consideration in submitting bug reports. We may need to update the above points based on the progression of the Beta so we encourage to make it a habit to check on this sticky every time Beta Testers intend to submit a new bug report.

We thank you for your time to read the bug report considerations.

Good luck and happy bug hunting!


The SecureAPlus Team
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 05:34:16 PM by JohnStampede »