I use voodooshield along with SAP. Voodoo with a password set on its settings will not allow CMD nor a lot of other windows system things to be started without first entering the password on VS's settings.
Voodooshield also monitors ALL windows system files against command lines.
I love SAP as I've stated over on wilders security forums. I was one of the early adopters of SAP and reported problems to them that don't exist anymore.
SAP is a whitelisting AV, a lot like comodo. Voodoo and EXEradar pro are anti EXE, meant to be run along side something like comodo or SAP. (Yes, I know SAP can also be used along side a lot of other products too.)
My point is. Nothing is infallible. You need a layered setup @Bellgamin You still use MBAE? right? You could use MBAM with MBAE turned on and then you could have SAP and maybe an Anti EXE (like ERP or VS) as well and then you're good.