SecureAPlus Announcements > Latest SecureAPlus Release

SecureAPlus v4.6.4


We have just released SecureAPlus version 4.6.4.

Here are the changes:

Bugs fixed:
- In some situations, new sample files not uploaded to the server during Universal AV full system scan.
- In the rename operation for non-executable files, the real-time scanning did not scan the file, even if the new file name extension is in the inclusion list.
- For SecureAPlus managed by SecureAge Management Server, policy file was rejected when SecureAPlus Id is empty.

- Improve Game Mode detection for full screen mode.
- Before showing license expired, try to retrieve the latest expiry date from the server. If the expiry date has been extended, do not show the license expired notification.

What's new:
- Added more command line rules to cover powershell encoded command.
- Allow SecureAge Management Server to control which SecureAPlus version to be installed on the client machines.


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