For programmer, we would recommend to set the compiler or linker as a trusted installer. Any file that is created by a trusted installer compiler or linker, will be automatically set as a trusted application.
If you are a script progammer, you can set the IDE that you use to create your script as a trusted installer. For example, if you always use notepad.exe to create script, you can set notepad.exe as a trusted installer. By setting it as a trusted installer, everything that created by notepad.exe will be automatically trusted. For the details on how to set the trust level, please refer to: example of Pre-approved whitelist usage:
An administrator want to push a msi installer to the client machine via GPO.
Usually the regular users will be running under non-trusted user account (, which means that they will be running in lockdown mode ( Without pre-approved whitelist, the msi installer that push by the administrator to the user machine will get blocked.
Pre-approve whitelist feature is an extra feature that can be purchased by SecureAPlus users.
For more details reference, with screenshots, etc., we are still preparing it. When it is ready, it will be available as one of the article at
Best regards,
Hendy Chandra