Hello. Itself it seems not strongly I "limp" in this direction, but in this situation it is desirable to receive the help from your forum. I established SecureAPlus Freemium on windows10 pro buid 10565 and SecureAPlus Beta on windows7 ultimate sp1. I exposed software configurations to my requirements, I added programs to the white list, but at start of some programs, with the permission of SecureAPlus that win.7 that win10 "go" to bsod. For today already 5 times. I checked Tampa the utility of BlueScreenView, on what she specified on a dreyver prichiny:ntoskrnl.exe; the address prichiny:saappctl.sys I understand (Application Whitelisting Driver) which directly belongs to SecureAPlus.Kak, the system can't make consecutive actions at start of this driver. Drivers stand in both systems new, except SecureAPlus there are SpyShelter and the built-in defender. Also over SecureAPlus there is no AVATARS any more. What you will advise, dear, except removal or the last is inevitable? AVATARS like quite good, it wouldn't be desirable to delete. Thanks.