Hey Erzengel,
Let me respond to your queries below:
1.- Formatting my computer freemium lose my license? It is that I find some kind of record for my freemium computer.
You can normally disassociate Premium License yourself, but Perpetual Freemium licenses (as well as any other extended Freemium Licenses) have to be disassociated via a request from us.
You can simply drop us an email, tell us your old Device ID (it should still be listed on the SecureAPlus Portal>My Devices) as well as the new Device ID.
Note that you should not deactivate your device with your Freemium License just yet. This will only disassociate the device from your account and not your license from the device.
2. changed some components of my PC DEVICE change my ID? If you change my device id freemium lose my license?
Major changes in the PCs hardware (i.e. motherboard) will trigger a request for a new device ID as it is being recognized as a new device.
When your device ID changes, the Freemium license doesn't automatically carry over, that license is still tagged to your old device ID. You'd have to move it by first decoupling the license (see point #1) from the old Device ID. You do not technically lose your license, it's still there, we just see it as you having a new PC.
3. Can I change my Freemium perpetual license to a computer with premium license?
If you meant upgradigng your Perpetual Freemium License to any of our 1-3 Year Premium Licenses, yes you can. When you do so, your Premium will supersede your Perpetual Freemium License.
Your Freemium Perpetual License will still be tagged to your computer and will automatically take over once your Premium License expires.
I hope this clears things up.