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Right Click scan
I done a right click scan on some Malware and why does it sometimes say with the detections it only has like 1/6 when it should be out of 12 because SecureAPlus uses 12 engines? I sometimes see it has out of 12 engines it might look like this 10/12.
Our on demand (right click scan) is currently using 6 engines for scanning. We are going to add more in the future.
Ok Thanks, but sometimes when I do a right click scan it detects files with 12/12 detection rate.
I missed out 1 point. On demand will use 6 engines if the file has not been uploaded or scanned before. If the file is uploaded not during on demand, it is scanned with 12 engines, which is why you are seeing x out of 12. Files submitted from on demand will eventually be scanned by the 12 engines.
Thank You :)
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