This suggestion is with regards to the Settings window. Right now in it's current form it can be an annoyance to choose a setting in a tab (say.. changing internet connection plan) without pressing apply, then changing to another tab (like Message Popup), the previous selected setting is not saved, nor is it applied when you click apply in another tab. It can be annoying to click apply every single time per-tab.
My suggestion is one (or both) of two things
1) Have the apply button save the selected setting changes for each tab in a menu group (i.e. Universal AV being one group with all it's tabs, Scan settings being another, etc), thus allowing settings in multiple tabs to be changed and then applied all at once, rather than being annoyed upon discovery that it resets the selected setting upon going to a new tab.
2) Potentially add an "Apply All" button at the bottom that would apply all settings selected across all tabs and menu groups (such as those selected in Universal AV and Scan Settings without ever clicking the separate "Apply" button in each tab).