Beta Program > Suggestions

Round 1 Suggestion: Uniformity of Back button.


Rupesh Joshi:

When to go to security service Tab the back button is normal.But when you go to View UAC Status the back button changes. They both should be same.


--- Quote from: Rupesh Joshi on October 18, 2015, 12:53:05 AM ---

When to go to security service Tab the back button is normal.But when you go to View UAC Status the back button changes. They both should be same.

--- End quote ---

This thread was previously in the Bug Report section and have moved it here as the nature of the comments were more of a suggestion.

With that being said, the difference in the buttons designs was intentional in our part. This is because you can have both buttons displayed at the same time if you click on "Security Features" while you are already in the Universal AV Status window (as shown below).

Can you elaborate more on your suggestion of making the back buttons for the "Security Features" list on the side bar and the "Universal AV" on the main window the same icon?

Rupesh Joshi:
I would suggest to keep  the icon in the Security Features list and remove the Universal Av icon. And both the icons should be same making more seamless product.

That is an odd spot for it; upper left is pretty much standard practise (in western L-R realms anyway).


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