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The problem with the update last scan date
SÅ‚awomir Parafiniuk:
In the main window with "Last Complete Scan" does not update me the same date. To be present date I have to click "Complete Scan" and then on "Retreve Last Scan". Today is 07/10/2015 and on "Last Complete Scan" date is 04/10/2015. Whether it should be ?. If not, what should I do to update the data automatically to me. :(
SÅ‚awomir Parafiniuk
Do you have permanent internet connection, or are you connected on demand?
Universal AV supposed to automatically do complete scan every time you boot up, and every 1 hour subsequently.
To help us to have better understanding of what happened, could you please send the following log file to
For Windows Vista onwards:
C:\ProgramData\SecureAge Technology\SecureAge\log\UniversalAV.log
For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SecureAge Technology\SecureAge\log\UniversalAV.log
Thanks and best regards,
Hendy Chandra
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