SecureAPlus v3.3.5
Steps to reproduce:
1. Change 'Application Whitelisting' => 'Standard Mode' => 'Trust All until reboot'.
2. Wait for about 1 hour, then try to open SecureAPlus from the tray icon.
3. Finally, try to change 'Application Whitelisting' from the tray icon back to 'Interactive Mode'
Observations: Step 2 fails to complete.
Step 3 completes, updating the GUI and the actual state of SecureAPlus. However, the tray icon remains yellow i.e. Insecure.
Please refer to the screenshots attached:
1. 'TrustTillRebootHomePgStart.png', and, 'TrustTillRebootSettingsPgStart.png' depicts step 1.
2. 'InconsistentNotificationIcon.png' depicts step 3. It shows the inconsistency between GUI and tray icon after 1 hour (Note that the GUI is opened. However, this is only possible if you perform a windows search for SecureAPlus).